We are hereby obliged to provide the services related to public utility services and the following basic services in accordance with the prescribed standards

Issuing street lines and non-acquisition certificates

Target time duration – 30 minutes

Requirement to be fulfilled 

  1. The application can be obtain upon the without any payment (to obtain the certificate applicant should be the owner of the property concerned )
  2. Along with the application
    •  Two copies of the deed of the concerned property(original deed must be submitted)
    • Two copies of the original deed.
    • If the document related to No 1 and 2 have been pledged to any institution , there copies must be certified by the institution concerned
    • If the survey plan was prepared after march 4, 1999 it must have been approved by Pradeshiya Sabha
    • Assessment tax number should be submitted If the concern property located in Assessment tax area limit
    • In case the applicant is not the owner shown in the deed, a request letter  by the owner to give the certificate to the applicant should be certified by the GS or JP
    • A copy of the owner’s NIC must be submittedFor issue of certificate Rs.2000.00 will be charged
    • Certificate can obtain after submit the relevant receipt of payment
  3. Submit the completed application along with one copy of the land plot and deed of the property.(remove this part)

Reservation of play grounds 

Target time duration – 20 minute

Requirement to be fulfilled 

  1. Submit a request letter to the Pradeshiya Sabha
  2. Payment of prescribed fees

Grant of permission for transportation of beef

Target time duration – 01 hour 

Requirement to be fulfilled 

  1. Application can be obtained upon the payment of the application
  2. Along with the application a letter of expressing willingness to buy meat from slaughter house and a letter of willingness from slaughter house owner to provide meat need to submit.
  3. submit the completed application along with the prescribed fees

Renting backhoe

Target time duration – 01 hour 

Requirement to be fulfilled 

  1. Obtain application(free of charge)
  2. Submit the completed application along with prescribed fees
  3. (Technical officer recommendation is mandatary)

Obtaining a water bowser

Target time duration – 01 hour 

Requirement to be fulfilled 

  1. Obtain the application
  2. Submit the completed application along with prescribed fees
  3. (Technical officer recommendation is mandatary)

Grant permission to damage road for laying water pipeline

Target time duration – 01 hour 

Requirement to be fulfilled 

  1. A letter from the national water supply and drainage board or (for private water pipeline) submit a request letter to the Pradeshiya Sabha
  2. Payment of Prescribe free and security deposit
  3. the deposit will be releases under  the instruction of the technical officer after notifying pradheshiya sabha in written regarding the completion of the work.

Removal of threatened trees and pubic complaints

Target time duration – 02 days

Requirement to be fulfilled 

  1. Submit a request letter to the Pradeshiya Sabha

Amending the name of the assessment register

Target time duration – 07 days

Requirement to be fulfilled 

    1. Certificate of inheritance of the property for a period 35 years
    1. One photocopy of Statutory notice of Assessment (K Form)
    1. A certificate issued by a lawyer/notary public, to the effect that person currently named in the document is not owner the property, if there is any amendment with the name in the Assessment tax document and name in the inheritance certificate submitted.
    1. Payment slips of the assessment tax up to last quarter for the respective property

Streetlight repair

Target time duration – 07 days

Requirement to be fulfilled 

  • Submit a request letter to the Pradeshiya Sabha

Issuing environmental permits

Target time duration – 14 days

Requirement to be fulfilled 

The application can be obtained upon the payment of the application 

Along with the completed application

  1. Copy of the trade license obtain from the local council for the relevant year
  2. Copy of the deed of the concerned property
  3. Road track chart to reach the respective location
  4. Copy of survey plan

Environment license can be obtained after done payment of the prescribed fees

Approval for subdivision land 

Target time duration – 14 days  

Requirement to be fulfilled  

  1. The land plot application can be obtained upon the payment of the application
    1. Along with the completed application
      1. Submit original copy of survey plan of the concern property certified by the charted surveyor with two copies
      1. A copy of the deed.
    1. Approval can be obtained after done payment of the prescribed fees

Approval of building applications.

Target time duration – 14 days  

Requirement to be fulfilled  

  1. The application can be obtained upon the payment of the application 
    1. Along with the completed application
      1. survey plan approved by the charted engineer
      1. Three copies of building plan need to be submitted
    1. Approval can be obtained after done payment of the prescribed fees

Issuing Trade Licenses

Target time duration – 14 days  

Requirement to be fulfilled  

  1. The trade license application can be obtained after payment of the application
  2. Submit the completed application
  3. Trade licenses can be obtained after done payment of the prescribed fees

Registration of roads

Target time duration – 1 month  

Requirement to be fulfilled  

  1. Applications can be obtained free of charge
  2. Need to submit the consent of the land owners on the both sides of the roads intended for the for the road registration